When the decorator-in-chief (on the scaffolding above) saw the color of the 'feature wall' paint, he sucked his teeth. Alot. And looked slightly ill. Now decorator-in-chief is very good at his job, and quite honestly he's the neatest chap you could wish to be doing your painting. But this latest colour was possibly one which added insult to an already injured decorating soul. His not-being-one-to-mince-words comment on the colour we'd done the rest of the main room in was 'it's a bit like living in operation desert storm. I best get me camouflague gear'. He had a fair point, and we duly lightened the room by doing a spot of repainting.
When he opened the feature wall tin (Dulux 50RR 10/229 for the paint-spotters) he could only look shocked. When I muttered that maybe he thought it was, well, a bit bright, he could only manage 'well, I'll put anything on a wall'. Clearly - a man suffering some sort of trauma.
He did cheer up when we all realised that the wall colour exactly matched that of the Brite Sparks jumper. You can see it in the picture - jumper on chair (next to Andy the landscaper). I may get them to stand in front of the wall for a photo fairly soon so we can play spot the sparky. Or possibly get them to sponsor the wall!