Monday, 23 February 2009

A bit of spit, polish, and make-up for the website

Hi there all of you who may wander this way...considerably fewer now as i've not posted for about oooh ages. but there are changes afoot which means i will be cranking up the blogging tool once more...

So, in the time i've been absent, all has been ticking along quite nicely here at Continental HQ. We've got lots of music, bands, theatre, live literature, and a whole lot more on in the 'Continental arts space' venue which is what used to be known as coconuts. ok, so it is still known as Coconuts in our hearts, but i couldn't justify buying the neon sign of the girl kicking her leg out of the cocktail glass while the word coconuts flashes on and off. having said that, when we looked at our licence, we were unsure if we could have burlesque performance (an artform!). Apparently we're not allowed any naked adult entertainment. so there we go, the girl in the cocktail glass will have to ensure she is wearing her fans at the appropriate angle. Anyhow, you can find out more on the events side of things at

We're currently having our website overhauled. The new one will be all bell, whistles, and small exotic dancers (no, sorry, i was just back in coconuts for a moment). It will be at the same address, but it'll look different. Shinier. Newer. More depth. More content. Like the geeky, clever girl / boy in class when they get over the teenage angst phase and into some decent clothes. Not that we don't love our current website, but it could do with a bit of spit, polish, and make-up, so that's what we're doing.

But we'll still have a blog space. So I was thinking about that, and feeling very guilty for not blogging more. I think i'll go down a different road with the new this space, as it'll be coming this way before too long. And possibly, just possibly, we'll put some flashing neon on there, too.